Our Mission
and Philosophy

The number one goal & mission of Colorado Mountain Fit is to get you in the best possible physical shape for your favorite activities through complete customized strength building, conditioning, functional training, and accountability.

We achieve these goals with the attitude that there is not a one-size-fits-all model, rather, every person is at a different stage in their strength, cardiovascular fitness, and flexibility/mobility. And every person has different goals. Even the accomplishment of a 5K can mean different things for different people. 

Based in Colorado, our main focus is getting you in shape for your favorite Colorado activities. The state of Colorado is a natural playground for hiking, rock climbing, skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, trail running, kayaking, whitewater rafting, and more!

Some people have a gym membership or a home setup that meets their equipment needs so we can create a workout plan and schedule to reach fitness goals if for those comfortable working out unsupervised. 

We can also bring the gym to you. For those who live in the Denver area, our mobile gym includes everything you’ll need. We can meet at your home, a park, or rented gym or studio space. 

Small group training is another aspect of Colorado Mountain Fit. If you’ve got a workout buddy -- spouse, significant other, bestie, roommate -- with similar goals you’ll get a discount per person for training as a pair or even trio. 

Fitness classes are also great team building for workplaces or nonprofit organizations. We’ll build a class focused on partner work and group accomplishments. Church groups can also benefit from training whether it’s for a youth group ski trip or congregation activity like a hike. 

Complete Customization

While there are proven methods for training, there are many factors that affect individual ability and performance, that’s why workout plans, schedules, and benchmarks are catered to the person. When doing one-on-one training you are going to get a workout built specifically for you with updates and modifications as frequently as needed to ensure you’re successful. This also includes nutritional coaching or even meal planning for some clients.


There are so many benefits to strength building beyond just making you stronger for your favorite activities. Weight resistance training pumps your lymph nodes to boost your immune system, speeds up your metabolism to aid weight loss, builds muscle tone, increases bone density, and improves mobility. There are also mental health benefits to lifting weights, some studies suggest it can reduce depression, improve focus, and boost self esteem.


Building strength is just one component of training for physical activity. While strong, your body may not respond well to movements or impact that it’s not used to. Conditioning includes simulating movements and actions you’ll encounter in outdoor recreation. Conditioning programming is specific to your training goals. For one-sport athletes this may also involve cross training in different, but similar activities, to ensure overall strength and mobility.

Functional Training

At the end of the day, most people want to do more than spend time lifting and doing basic cardio. We’re training for 5Ks and marathons, short hikes and mountain summits, skiing or snowboarding, rock climbing or kayaking. The strength and conditioning includes practical movement for both everyday life and athletic endeavors that puts stress on specific joints and muscle groups so that you’re not only ready to do your best, but also avoid injury.


Last, but certainly not least, one of the major components of Colorado Mountain Fit is accountability. We’re here to make sure you’re doing the workout, doing it right in terms of good form and programming, and helping push you to the appropriate intensity level. Our goal is to push you to your edge -- exercise should be challenging but not impossible and not injury causing. We’re here to help you find that edge and hold you accountable to getting there.

A lifestyle

It’s also about creating a healthier lifestyle.
Give us 8 weeks: We believe we can help you kick bad habits and become addicted to being the best version of you. 

Can Colorado Mountain Fit help everyone? Of course not. Everyone has different needs, so we’re also here to help you make connections with the trainers, gyms, or fitness studios best suited for your needs. 

Your first 30-minute consultation is FREE. 

What do you have to lose?

About Kevin

Kevin M. Smith founded Colorado Mountain Fit to help people make their favorite Colorado activities a little easier, get people in shape to try new recreational endeavors, and generally educate people of all athletic levels how to reach their goals. This is also meant as a portal to connect trainers and fitness studios with clients. It’s all about customization rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. CMF’s programming could include going to favorite fitness classes to supplement your training program. Other trainers might be a better fit. The main goal is to make you successful.

Kevin has always been active and adventurous. He moved to Colorado in 2016 specifically to be closer to the mountains and start a new career as a personal trainer. He’s completed 4 marathons, 2 half marathons, an obstacle race, and countless 5Ks and 10Ks; and has been a charter member of three running clubs. He’s also summitted more than two dozen Colorado 14ers and hiked in four national parks.

In 2017, Kevin tried kickboxing for the first time and loved the intensity of the functional workout immediately. He’s also experienced in kayaking/SUP/canoeing, backpacking, biking, swimming, and tennis. In addition to running CMF, Kevin coaches strength, HIIT, cardio, and TRX classes at Planet Fitness and Feed Your Soul Fitness and coached at Studio on 64th before it’s closure.

Kevin is a certified personal trainer through the National Council on Strength and Fitness (NCSF), is first aid/CPR/AED through the American Red Cross, and is a trained weather spotter through the National Weather Service.



Nutrition - Kickboxing - Weight Lifting - TRX

Hiking - Biking - Paddling - Running - HIIT


Notable Adventures:

Paddled on the Mississippi River on a geocache hunt

Has hiked in more than a dozen states

Completed the Yosemite National Park half marathon

Completed Wilderness Trekking School through Colorado Mountain Club

Summited half of Colorado’s 14ers including North Maroon and Pyramid peaks

Hiked with researches capturing and tracking rattlesnakes for an environmental study